SFX and Somica Spratley
My presentation focused on some basics of SFX and then on the SFX makeup artist and filmmaker Somica Spratley.
- Special Effects are illusions or visual tricks used to simulate imagined events in the story or visual world
- There are two types: Optical aka Photographic Effects & Mechanical aka practical Effects
- Optical effects are any effects done post production or directly involving the frames of the film
- Mechanical effects are done during live filming and use props, machines, scenery etc and include SFX make up and set design
SFX, particularly make-up effects are key to horror movies and can be seen in two obvious contexts.
1. Creating the Monster: A monster is made to seem non-human in order to create fear in Horror. Make up, masks, and molds create this effect by altering the physical appearance of the actor.

2. Death Moments: Any scene involving injury, slicing, stabbing, or as often is the case with Horror, blood incorporates SFX. Scenes like this would be nowhere near as effective without special effects.
Somica Spratley
- Being a woman of color has its many challenges, especially in the Horror Genre. Somica denied to expand on struggles she's faced but many stores show the same concepts of pigeonholding, undermining, and being overshadowed by men or even by white women.
Basics of SFX:
- Special Effects are illusions or visual tricks used to simulate imagined events in the story or visual world
- There are two types: Optical aka Photographic Effects & Mechanical aka practical Effects
- Optical effects are any effects done post production or directly involving the frames of the film
- Mechanical effects are done during live filming and use props, machines, scenery etc and include SFX make up and set design
Why are SFX important?
SFX, particularly make-up effects are key to horror movies and can be seen in two obvious contexts.
1. Creating the Monster: A monster is made to seem non-human in order to create fear in Horror. Make up, masks, and molds create this effect by altering the physical appearance of the actor.
2. Death Moments: Any scene involving injury, slicing, stabbing, or as often is the case with Horror, blood incorporates SFX. Scenes like this would be nowhere near as effective without special effects.
Somica is originally from Virginia, and is now located in Southeast US- She is educated from multiple institutions including Aveda Institute, MAC cosmetics, Ryder Makeup labs, and Toxic Image Studio.
Somica is a very talented and experienced SFX artist contributing to multiple films. She is also a filmmaker herself making her directorial debut in 2016 at the Sidewalk Film Festival with her short, Altshmertz.

Challenges and Impact
- Somica shared one of her biggest accomplishments is being accepted into the local union I. A. T. S. E. 798.
- “Applying to the union was definitely a goal of mine but not for some time as there are several requirements to meet. However, the opportunity came along so I took a chance. This September will make 5 years.”
- Somica Spratley is a great example of representation in the Horror genre for young artists to look to. She has produced many pieces and contributed to multiple films (including Spiritus) and has shown that an artist can take many roles.
- “Applying to the union was definitely a goal of mine but not for some time as there are several requirements to meet. However, the opportunity came along so I took a chance. This September will make 5 years.”
- Somica Spratley is a great example of representation in the Horror genre for young artists to look to. She has produced many pieces and contributed to multiple films (including Spiritus) and has shown that an artist can take many roles.
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